Two Children having fun on the tennis court
Dive into the world of tennis with our intriguing trivia and fun facts. Explore the unique aspects of the scoring system, the correct terminology, and more!


Tennis, a sport loved by millions, is filled with interesting trivia and quirky facts. From its unique scoring system to the peculiar terms used on the court, tennis has a rich history that intrigues both avid fans and casual observers. Let’s dive into some of the most fascinating aspects of tennis!

1. Is it spelled tennis racquet or racket?

Tennis Racket or Racquet
Tennis Racket or Racquet

The Battle of Spellings: Racquet vs Racket

The spelling varies, but both “racquet” and “racket” are correct. “Racket” is more commonly used worldwide, while “racquet” is preferred in some countries like the United States. The term originated from the Arabic word “rahat”, which means palm of the hand.

2. Why is 0 called Love in tennis?

Cards showing the scoreline in a tennis match
Zero in Tennis is called Love

Love in Tennis: A Zero with a Twist

The term “love” for zero is more than just a quirky tennis term; it’s a window into the sport’s rich and fascinating history. The most popular theory suggests that “love” comes from the French word “l’œuf,” which translates to “the egg,” symbolizing the shape of zero. This term reflects tennis’s origins and its early popularity in France.

The use of “love” in tennis dates back several centuries. The game, which evolved from a 12th-century French handball game called “jeu de paume,” was played by monks as a form of entertainment during religious ceremonies. As the game gained popularity among French nobility, its unique jargon began to take shape. The first recorded use of “love” in tennis is somewhat ambiguous, but it is believed to have been adopted in the early days of the sport’s development in France, and later, in its modern form in England.

This charming term has since become an integral part of the game, reminding us of tennis’s enduring connection to its historical and cultural roots.

3. Why is 40-40 called Deuce in tennis?

Deuce: The Tense Equalizer in Tennis

The term “deuce” in tennis signifies a tie at 40-40. It’s derived from the French phrase “à deux le jeu” meaning “to both is the game.” This indicates that both players are equally close to winning the game.

4. How was the tennis scoring system (0-15-30-40) created?

The Unique Scoring System of Tennis

The origins of tennis’s unique scoring system (0-15-30-40) are unclear, but it’s thought to relate to the face of a clock or medieval numerology. Each point moves the hand a quarter way around the clock, or is based on the quarters of 60 (15, 30, 45, 60), with 45 simplified to 40.

5. Is it let or net in tennis when the ball clips the net?

Tennis Net
Tennis Net or Let

Let vs Net: Understanding Tennis Rules

When a ball clips the net during service and lands in the correct box, it’s called a “let.” The serve is replayed without penalty. “Net” is just a general term to describe the net itself and isn’t used in scoring or calling plays.


Tennis is more than just a game; it’s a fascinating world rich with history and unique traditions. Stay tuned for Part 2 and Part 3 of our tennis trivia and fun facts series, where we’ll explore more interesting aspects of this beloved sport!

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